EDUCATION...... Creates Mature People !!


i was small .. so small that i did not even know how to speak and crawl,
i had to be carried everywhere with tenderness

then one day
i was left on the floor to learn how to crawl !

as the days passed by i mastered on how to crawl

then a day came when i was taught how to walk
and as the process further went on
i learnt how to talk even.

then as years passed by i was old enough
to learn how to hold a pencil ,
learn alphabets den words and finally construct sentences!!

i had seen many others carry those huge bags on their back
and walk steadily
but felt their condition only
when i had to carry one

i started going to a place
where i was told before hand :
that this is the building where big people
make you learn n understand books
and this place is called SCHOOL !!

years went by
i passed from one class to another
and kept learning all i was taught
wrote exams to test how much i could recollect .

learning went on
always on varied range of topics

but ...
the best part of my education was what my parents taught me,
they said : education is a part of life
that is necessary
so that the world does not make you a fool
so that you can understand things and people better

books are just a medium to tell you about all
like a short tale
but actually educations means
a way by which we learn how to live life in the best way possible
and to give others a life that is best for them !!

EDUCATIONS is not about getting marks
but it's about considering every problem as a challenge
and fighting till the end
and winning it the right way

education is a language which means
understanding, caring and loving others for what they are !!

now if  anyone of you have understood what education is
please make it viral
and help everyone learn the meaning of life in the correct way !!


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