Walking Along...

One evening he walked upto me
and said "I know what I want in life"
I asked him what is it
He replied with twinkle in his eye "It's YOU"
I kept silent
He went down on his knees
held my hand in his and asked me again
"Will you be my wife?"
My eyes were wet with a child like smile on my face
I said "I would love to share your name"
He said "you don't need to share it, I am yours in every way"
We walked a few miles,
but as life has it, we had our share of struggles
the more we were together the more we got to know each other
Good things were appreciated
but the faults....
we smiled and rectified it where possible
and rest we accepted and learnt to live with it
we learnt that love is not about changing someone
it is about just letting someone be who they are
and in this process,
We learnt that love and true acceptance makes you
work on your faults, just for that special one
With him the journey is on and we pledge to smile and
go everywhere together, let it be earth or anywhere else
Walking along together has been a beautiful journey till now
and we know it is just going to be better each moment
He is my soulmate and my bestest friend
I love you and I am glad to let you know
Its increasing every day!!
Thank you for making life so beautiful :)

ps: People in a relationship you would find a lot of faults, but the successful relation is one where you rectify those faults together and grow together. So don't give up when challenges pop up fight through it and see the happiness you feel after that.


  1. You have put your experience in words in the most natural honest and clear manner. I appreciate the alacrity with which u have decided to accept all the faults(which i will always wish for not occurring) which might come through your long excursion of love life.

    Get your training going good and tenaciously. ��️

    Warm wishes in these Winters.

    Well wishers

    1. Thank you for your lovely appreciation. I wish to know who you are, please mention that well wisher. :)Waiting for your reply!!


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