From PINK to GREY 🧑🧓

Vacation is all about living experiences that transform ones personality. Today is the 13th day of our making memories and heading towards a new destination. 

In the last thirteen days and the third flight I am lucky to find a lovely companion next to me. A little girl in pink, with two ponies, a lovely soothing smile, glitter in her eyes and ready to take on the world and live all her dreams. 

She and me have been communicating in our own sign language, strangely both able to understand eachother. In between her mother who is sitting just next to her, tries to tell her to sit straight and stay quiet, but the moment she closes her eyes to take some rest, this little one manages to do her own thing, thinking she is out of her gaze. 

The will to dream, explore, the inquisitiveness reminds me of most of the little girls I have met and of my own self when I was a toddler. Mostly at this moment as I am heading back from home after meeting my mother after 8 months and see her grow grey, I wonder what would she have been as a little girl. But one thing for sure I know is, she has grown into a woman of lot of will power who lives life on her own terms, which for 25 years she choose not to do so much due the numerous duties that came her way. 

Life is this journey from Pink to Grey.... In between this we visit so many shades of colors, some bring smile and some challenges and we grow between these two colors. 

One should embrace all shades, because every shade brings in a new experience. Keep the Pink with you always, reminds you of the power of the little girl you were once and love the grey, it speak of your own wonderful story. 

A friend, I call a sister from another mother recently shared her challenge of womanhood with me, to which with the little experience of life I have I told her "A woman's journey of patience and how much love can she bestow on all around here begins from the time she is born. As she grows up and reaches puberty she starts loosing patience and love is conditional. Then adulthood comes her way, she is capable of being ruthless and un-giving, but now she has to make a choice, she wants to be what she was born as or what the world made out of her in the formative years. And that's the biggest challenge of her life.... I am learning from my experiences and choosing to be who I am since birth... 😊 It's not an easy choice, but it's not impossible. Because, I know if I follow what my soul was taught instead of what my mind has been trained I will bloom in whatever weather conditions I encounter."

We all are work in progress, irrespective of gender, we all need to embrace each phase of our life and accept ourself for who we are, I know as a reader you may feel, we all know this and most of you may also feel till now why are we even reading this piece. Ones who don't continue further, just one last msg for you "love yourself". 

Those who continue, in last few years of my life professionally and personally, I have lived through few challenges, that has been a change maker of how I view life today. I have no regrets and no pain, today I accept it all as a package and I choose to just hold onto the lessons it taught me and how it made me grow. From those little lessons I decided to hold on to the pink in myself and welcome the grey as I move ahead towards it.

I suppose this little one I m privileged to share my journey with, made me remind myself again of the lovely two shades of my life. 

ps: mine is pink to grey, yours can be blue to grey !! 



  1. Nice way to convey the journey so far.
    Life is a rainbow of beautiful shades of VIBGYOR.All the colours make your journey memorable. It is how you use these colours to paint your journey that matters. Every colour is an experience. Dont choose the colour as you move on, let the shades mix and give your an experience of a life time . Lets endeavour to move from violet to red with a paint brush of experience . Lets mix and match and make the canvas of our lives full of vibrant colours. Let each colour bring in its, significance in our journey so that when we reach the end of the spectrum we can say with satisfaction , i have no regrets and i did pass on the vibrant colours to many who had life full of 50 shades of grey. I am blessed that i made the difference

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    2. You are my super mentor sharky sir and will always be 😊

  2. You always give me strength girl.. when ever life becomes difficult u r always a call away n j feel so calm.. loads of love .. ❤️❤️


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