122025/ May

 माँ ...

यह एक शब्द नहीं सुकून भरा एहसास हैं l

The world has shifted in a lot of ways, but the only thing that has remained constant is a mother's love for her child.
Born in the nineties but for some subjects my soul still belongs to an era people say was the golden era, where people, emotions and relationships mattered.
So couple of days back I was seeing a video online and saw that how burdensome today's working mothers feel and if even for a day the partner and child just leave her alone she feels she has her freedom back. It got me thinking, is this how one should actually feel when you become a mother in today's time.

I am a mother to a lovely Siberian Husky named Nimbus and hoping and praying to have a second child from my womb. How tired or challenging my days are, once back home to Nimbus and my husband Korek, it makes me feel complete and comforting. Some people tell me it's just 5 yrs of your marriage, that is why you are feeling so nice. I smile 😊

5 yrs and I have had my share of challenges and everytime made the choice of family over everything else, and felt glad I did so. 5 or 50 I know I would make the same choice always, and happily.

My reason is simple, my mother!!
She is my everything, all the good I owe to her. Her world revolves around me, my brother and my father and that makes her feel complete and comfortable. I have questioned her choice so many times, but she has always just smiled and said "you will feel it when you do. Being a mother is a feeling and not just a role".
